Tecoma residents continue the fight against McDonalds through gnome gathering record attempt.

Tecoma gnome gathering

GNOMEAGEDDON: 446 Tecoma residents take up the fight against their suburb’s newly opened McDonalds outlet by attempting to break the world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as gnomes. PHOTO: STEVEN CSORGO

As typical Melbourne Autumn weather combines with the cold-mist of the Dandenong ranges, protestors against the newly opened Tecoma McDonalds outlet attempt to set a world record – to have the worlds largest gathering of people dressed as gnomes.

They were just short – around 50 more and Tecoma would have made history.

Certainly this wacky and amusing event reflects the good nature of Tecoma, a leafy suburb in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges, and while the result wasn’t quite as hoped, Tecoma has already been making history.

As I sit across from Garry Muratore, the Media and Communications spokesperson for the No McDonalds in the Dandenong Ranges committee, I notice a few people surrounding us listening in on the interview. Afterwards, one man shakes his hand and calls him an ‘inspiration.’

With the attention Tecoma has received over this – locally and nationally – Garry has become somewhat of a face for the community.

A born and bred Dandenong man with a background in marketing, Garry is using his PR knowledge to represent the image of the group and to knock back the claims made by their opposition.

However, his involvement has not been a completely positive experience.

Early in their campaign they received an ominous warning from a UK group who were brought to court by McDonalds for publishing a condemning pamphlet during the nineties.

Garry was sceptical of their warning.

“They said things to us…be prepared to be taken to high courts, be prepared to have private investigators follow you, be prepared for security to assault you, and I just thought, that’s a little bit inflammatory…” says Garry.

He was soon to realise how mistaken he was.

“The very first day they put the fences up they had bikies acting for security there who were telling woman they couldn’t wait to break their fingers and smash their faces,” says Gary.

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Gary later found out from the press that McDonalds had paid for a private investigator to follow him and see what he was planning.

“Where are my rights?” asks Gary.

Peta Freeman is another Tecoma resident who’s been battling McDonalds since 2011.

Peta, who lives down the road from the McDonalds site, says she’s been appalled at the treatment their community has received from McDonalds.

“They like to put a front on as being family-friendly and a community-supportive organisation and we’ve seen nothing but the opposite,” says Peta.

Last year, in a bold attempt to make themselves known, Peta, along with Gary and a group of like-minded residents went to the front door of the fast food chain’s headquarters in Chicago.

After been literally locked out of the McDonalds headquarters in Australia, the group sought to present McDonalds CEO Donald Thomson with a Change.org petition containing over 100,000 signatures calling for an end to the construction of the Tecoma outlet.

They believed at the time this one stunt McDonalds couldn’t ignore, but Peta and Gary were in for another surprise.

The CEO of McDonalds “refused to come down and meet with us, the people that they did send down didn’t introduce themselves, refused to shake our hands, we’d flown across the globe…and they treated us like we were nobodies,” says Peta.

Hear Garry Muratore and Peta Freeman describe their experiences in Chicago.

The case of a small community verus a corporation is often seen as David verus Goliath scenario – with the corporation clearly taking the latter role.

However, you don’t have to spend much time in Tecoma to see the colossal resentment many hold towards the golden arches.

With petitions of over 100,000 signatures and surveys demonstrating 9 out 10  local residents are against the outlet, it appears the traditional roles are in question.

Gnomeageddon 2014: How the day unfolded 

“I think we might make this an annual event” Garry announces to the disappointed but still enthused Tecoma gnomes as the failed attempt warps itself up as the rain starts to pour.

This casual announcement of continuation for the movement drives home how this movement, still strong on its fourth year, isn’t going to just fade away.

With the Tecoma McDonalds outlet’s opening last month, Garry and Peta’s journey is entering a new phase.

“We’ll kill ’em financially,” replies Garry, after I ask him where he plans to go from here.

While many residents also support the Tecoma McDonalds outlet, the future will deliver a small order of fast-food outlets setting up shop in the Dandenong Ranges after planning minister Matthew Guy signed amendments to restrict fast-food outlets in the area.

Despite the strong presence of the anti-McDonalds protestors, McDonalds Tecoma appears to be doing well, but as we wrap up the interview Garry tells me he still believes the split between McDonalds and Tecoma will continue to grow stronger.

Steven Csorgo.


About stevecsorgo

Journalist. Living in Melbourne, Australia. Used to live in Japan.
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19 Responses to Tecoma residents continue the fight against McDonalds through gnome gathering record attempt.

  1. Veritati quidem semper says:

    Steven Csorgo, your unbalanced and litany of lies is the lowest form of journalism. Whilst I do wish you well in a career in this field I fear it may be short lived if this is the sort of story (fairytale) you continue to write. I also point out that one should be extremely careful when reporting that McDonald’s (or any other company with millions of dollars in a pot for legal action) has hired Bikies as security, come on, do you think that’s true? Private detectives to follow a nobody around? No way. Now remember this, yes, the protesters got a lot of media attention, so did Julian Knight, Martin Bryant, and world wide terror mongers.

    • stevecsorgo says:

      Thanks for your comment. I’ve made a few small changes showing that, while the protestors may have a huge level of attention, many do support McDonalds in Tecoma. Also, remember that I’m only repeating what Garry has told me…he provided no evidence of bikies or private detectives, so if he’s lying about that, it’s on him for lying to reporters. I never stated that it’s what happened, only that it’s what he told me.

      Is there anything you’d like to add, perhaps regarding the level of support in Tecoma for McDonalds or about the nature of the protesters from your observations? I don’t live in the area, so unfortunately, with the attention the protestors are getting, it’s very difficult to see the other side as an outsider.

    • Alisha Cruse says:

      As you can see from how you were attacked personally because you dared to say something positive about Gnomeageddon the people that have a pro Maccas page which constantly spreads mistruths about this campaign constantly “go the man”
      I invite you to compare the campaign face book page with the New McDonalds in the Dandenong Ranges or the Yes to Tecoma Maccas pages

  2. Veritati quidem semper says:

    A sensible reply Steve, and yes, I do note that the unsubstantiated and ludicrous claims were made by Garry and not you. You have merely quoted him. Though one would have thought that with all his experience and the claims he has been making lately in the local papers up here, attacking anyone and everyone that doesn’t agree with the loud and obnoxious minority that he would provide evidence of such things. Anyway, all that aside, it was unfortunate that a record wasn’t broken for the amount of gnomes in one place but I think they certainly broke the record for the number of trolls in one place.
    Once again, I do wish you well as a future journalist, and I’m sure this baptism of fire has taught you that not everyone speaks the truth to reporters.

    “qui semel a veritate deflexit, hic non majore religione ad perjurium quam ad mendacium perduci consuevit”

  3. Why is it that all of you so called Journos keep repeating the words of a lying political spin doctor that has led a 3 year campaign of Hate bullying and division in the hills community that will never be repaired? Can you not see that you are being manipulated by a pro? Why do you never sit and talk with someone that is prepared to use the truth and prove this Gary morontore is nothing but a bald faced liar prepared to do and say anything to get his political master James Merlino re elected
    Now just sit back and watch his cult followers stick the boots into me as they allways have done to anyone that dares speak the truth.

  4. Emma Grondman says:

    I cannot believe that Gary Muratore is still trying to pull the 100,000 signatures against bullshit, or even the 9/10 say no. I’ve lived in the hills (Belgrave) for over 35 years and know a hell of a lot of people and am yet to find TRUE locals that are legitimately against mcdonalds. The petition mr Muratore is referring to was worldwide and therefore in my opinion does NOT count. He is also claiming people were given vouchers for free food on opening day and agin that is a lie. People were given vouchers ur to the HUGE turnout of support for the store, and the fact that people qued for over an hour to try and get in. The protesters have abused shop owners and public alike for opposing their choice, I personally was attacked in Facebook for asking a very innocent question (I asked what their real problem with the store was) and was subjected to personal attacks due to having a collingwood avatar on Facebook but was blocked so couldn’t even defend myself. They spat on a 12 year old girl as he mum (a local shop owner) refused to sign saying no! Thy called for a boycott of the local hardware store (again long time friends of mine) as they were trying to deliver stock to an on site builder……..the list goes on, but when you confront Gary or any of the protesters for that matter, they go into meltdown and spin more lies. I would like to see a reporter interview someone from the pro side (I’m sure we could all put you onto someone) and get the truth for a change!

  5. Hey Veritati. Give us your name. Stop hiding inside your own skirt. Who is this clown? Tecoma residents said no to McDonalds and what do they get, a stiff upper lip and a gov swayed by big business, as expected from them being Liberals. A Labor or Green government would never have allowed the people of this town to be silenced and they certainly do not hide their identities by protesting. It’s all there in full colour. So who are you Veritati? Stop making matters worse for Tecoma, and whilst I am at it, stop being a pretentious hero. Gary is the true here here.

    • Emma says:

      How the hell can you call that loud mouth a hero???? What has he done that makes him a hero?? Spouted lie after lie, abused and called for abuse of his “followers”……sounds like a cult leader to me!!! It’s quite simple really, if you don’t want mcdonalds, then don’t eat it! The building looks great and you lot need to stop trying to tell the rest of us what we can and can’t eat! It’s our choice NOT yours! And I get you, all those kids that were dragged along to that farsical show if gnomes, would rather have been across the road at maccas!!! Get a life, it’s there so move on……Gary Muratore is NO hero so stop calling him one.

  6. And for the record, I am a close friend of a Tecoma resident that said NO to McDonalds. Wel all say NO.

    • Emma says:

      Big whoop! One resident!!! Show me the proof that every resident said no???? You lot bullied half the shop owners to be on your side, then look what happened, because if your shit the DVD shop shut down!!! Way to go saving local businesses!!!

  7. Veritati – truth guy – here is some TRUTH for you. The truth about you is what is so visible in your response to the above article. You seem particularly convinced that balanced reporting is the hallmark of great journalism in an age where the word ‘spin’ is common parlance, not that you manage to prove that the article is unbalanced – you just don’t like the piece, and you arrogantly scold the writer whilst predicting a dire future for him in his chosen field – as though your written words below the line will act on the journalist like the choice words of a great teacher. You are what you are, dear friend – convinced of your own ‘truth’ and so elitist in your thinking that you bother to end with a flourish of a dead gone language taught only at Scotch College. It is this kind of close minded, conceited thinking that the people of Tecoma stood up against and it scares you. It scares you very much. I applaud the people of Tecoma, their supporters, their campaign – their endless creativity, their peaceful approach in the face of great antagonism. They are the future of our great democratic nation, whilst you dear old thing, belong in its museums, or maybe out on the hard rubbish.

  8. Alisha Cruse says:

    Thanks for a balanced article . Until I see a survey that proves other wise
    I am positive the majority of Tecoma residents are opposed to
    This store being here.
    I know there are a vocal minority who write and contradict these facts but thousands marched against McDonalds, mainly families.
    An unprecedented eleven hundred attended council meeting.
    We don’t want it!

    • Emma says:

      The survey was worldwide! How can you even think that 100000 signatures from Tecoma is true????? I know several people who have vocally opposed and protested aren’t even locals! My sister in law was one of the and she lives in the basin (hardly a local)! Show me a survey of the 2400 odd residents that actually live in Tecoma and maybe I’ll start to believe the crap the “rent a crowd” are spouting!!!

    • Alisha Cruse says:

      The petition was world wide the SURVEY was Tecoma

  9. Brad Brown says:

    Thanks for writing this piece, Steven. I appreciate you capturing two issues clearly: the encroachment of corporate interests into a community’s democratic rights (both directly and indirectly through their elected local representatives); and, the creativity and tenacity of the local community who have clearly taken on Goliath. I am biased in my support for the locals who have upheld my rights, so I must take issue with Veritati quidem semper’s comment about the gnome gathering as breaking the record for the number of trolls in one place. This is clearly offensive and conceited. Once again, thanks for sharing the message.

  10. Karl says:

    How many campaigns can get 446 people dressed up as garden gnomes in the rain on a cold Melbourne day? The figures speak for themselves – the outrage driving this community campaign will be a beacon to other communities to fight for their right to have a say in what happens to their home.

  11. John says:

    The truth is that politicians on all sides of politics are against this development, including Federal Liberal MP Jason Wood. Check out the supporters list on http://www.Burgeroff.org/supporters. The survey was for ALL Tecoma adult residents (showing 9/10 did not want it) and it was the petition with over 100,000 signatures that includes people all over the world. The survey was audited, included names and addresses and was submitted to Paliament. There are a few trolls obsessed with this campaign who spread lies, harass and defame campaigners and they have zero evidence to back up their outrageous statements. Just like McDonald’s, they have zero evidence to back up anything they say.

  12. Richard Pearson says:

    Such an amazing day of community spirit, well surpassing the Australian record of gathering of Gnomes and only just falling short of the World record. Remarkable considering it was a cold and wet day. The vibe of spirits of the community were amazing and so many people have come together and so many friendships have been formed as we continue to voice our opposition to this unsuitable and unwanted development. We have approached this campaign form so many angles and its not always just about protesting. As a community we will continue to live our lives and support each other, our events, our local businesses and we will never acknowledge this soulless, heartless and morally cheap corporation and everything they represent. They don’t, and will never have a place here.

  13. Veritati quidem semper says:

    I rest my case.

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